Well, Obama finally came out and made some remarks after 1:45 when it was announced that he would speak at 1:00 and then at 1:30 eastern time. It seems that the White House staff is always optimistic about when Obama will be ready, while he takes his time going over the remarks carefully before going on.
What was said? It is difficult to figure out much of a purpose for this live television appearance. He assured us that America will always be tripple A, even if Standard and Poor’s says we are not. His statement about lacking the “political will” to solve our problems was somewhat off the mark. The political will exists with the tea party Republicans, especially the newly elected, to stall, delay and even derail the country, so we are not, really, lacking in political will. We are lacking in agreement about where the country should go and whether there is any other purpose in being in Congress than to work for the defeat of the president and for more Republicans to be elected.
There are dozens, even hundreds, of theories and half baked ideas about why we are in the fix we are in, but let’s not forget that the voters sent these people to Washington, DC, and they promised to make trouble when they got here. The voting of 2010 was massively manipulated by outside money, but, in the end, the voters made their choices.
Each time the public has spoken in the last three or four national and Congressional elections, they have been saying they want “the mess in Washington” cleaned up. Yet, the voters keep deciding to send people who are determined to use the mess for their own ends and to keep the circus going.Why did the public go so strongly for Obama in 2008 and then, two years later, come within a whisker or two of sending a majority of Republicans to both houses of Congress? Could it be that the pubic does know what it wants and can’t really understand what is happening in DC?
We’ve had “divided government” off and on since the elections of 1994. If you like the results, dear voters, keep it up. Otherwise, it is time for “the will of the people” to be put forth more clearly. If you vote for a Democratic president and Congress and you get a disaster, you can vote them all out. Likewise, with the Republicans. With a divided government, you are bound to have more infighting, screaming and confusion and it is more difficult to find out whom to blame.
Doug Terry