From a minimal amount of searching, it appears that Capri Anderson is all over the Internet. I wonder, in fact, how she has time to do anything other than porn things, like breathe. She was the so called mystery woman who wound up in some sort of mess with Charlie Sheen at the Plaza Hotel the other night. I will leave it to the tabs and tabloid websites, like TMZ, to fork over the details. What does any of this have to do with government, politics and culture, the normal kind of things we cover on the TerryReport? Not much. For one thing, however, it shows just how far we’ve gone into Porn World since the Internet hit big in the late 1990s.
The demand for porn appears to be unlimited. I thought that sooner or later it would reach a kind of peak and people would lose interest. Well, I guess I got that one wrong. What we have not established yet, however, is how we react to and deal with pornography everywhere. For the most part, we seem to be trying to pretend it isn’t there in the hopes it will go away. It won’t.
Porn is one of the unmentioned and unreported revolutions in the western world. No one really wants to talk or write about it, because doing so can be seen as a confession that you want it yourself. That is silly. Alternatively, those who want to place any limits at all on porn are cast as backward and enemies of the first amendment. To my mind, this is yet another social and cultural issue that we are just letting slide.
I tried to find a photo of Capri Anderson that I could run on the TerryReport. No luck. There was nothing that I would remotely consider running here. From what I saw, if she could peel off her skin as a way of making men pay to look at her, she’d do that, too.
This concludes the story of how I managed to work Capri Anderson’s name onto my website without stooping into the tabloid mire. I hope.
Doug Terry, 10.30.10